Open-source driver dataset for driver characteristics research
作者(Author):Liu Jun 时间(Time):2017-07-01 08:29

Open-source driver dataset for driver characteristics research


    In the test, 23 adults with motor vehicle driving licenses were selected as the test personnel. The driving experience range was 0-6 years, and the average driving experience was about 2 years. Among them, there were 5 female drivers and 18 male drivers. Each of the experimenters performed driving tests on the driving simulator without feeling too stressed and tired. Before starting the test, the test personnel need to accept driving training in advance to adapt to the driving simulator. If the experimenter feels physical or psychological discomfort and is unable to continue the test, he or she may signal to stop the test. The driver's manipulation signal and vehicle states are recorded by data sampling module at a frequency of 20 Hz.  Data signal interpretation is in the data description document. In addition, the test is regarded as unsuccessful and the data obtained will be invalidated if the the vehicle exceeds the road boundaries or becomes unstable during the test.



《Data File》


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